LSU ca Auburn game thread

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Don Castavez, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Saban wasn't a great recruiter until he got to Louisiana, where the talent is
    Brian likes this.
  2. Hou-duco

    Hou-duco Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    And Aranda was @ LSU for 4 yrs and wasn’t a great recruiter. Why, because he hated it. Probably recruiting is one of the negatives associated with college football that steered Brady to the pros.
    Brian likes this.
  3. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    **Not sure Dave hated it. He credited O teaching him more about recruiting and how to do it than any other coach taught him anything. He's just a natural introvert and so he's gotta fight that natural instinct of who he is to try to win over recruits, it's far harder and more draining on him than a born bullshitter like O, Urban, Kirby, or Dabo.

    Gotta see recruiting as a competition and use your competitive fires to fuel your recruiting desires. That's how Nick, Urban, Pete, O, Dabo do it.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
    LSU_4_LIFE likes this.
  4. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Aranda hated recruiting? According to who? 247sports?

    Aranda is a great defensive mind. We should have hired him permanently as HC back in 2016, imo. But we keep letting real coaching talent leave. Baylor is known more for their Medical School than their Football team. Who wants to go to Waco, besides Janet Reno?

    I'd bet damn good money Aranda would land a Top 10 class here every year. Why? He'd get a very good OC, unavailable to him in Waco. He'd get the local Louisiana kids & add to that from other states. It's really not rocket science.

    Is Aranda likeable? Seems his players really liked him a lot here.

    Recruits are suckers for Coaches that can actually help them play better & ultimately get drafted higher - which is their real goal anyway. Those who cannot coach are the bullshitters.

    Hiring a New OC every fricking year is not helping LSU. We have No stability & now we're retreading Ensminger for the 3rd or 4th time.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  5. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Which is why you hire him only if he brings top notch assistants who can recruit
    Brian likes this.
  6. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Yup. He's on my list of candidates for that reason. I don't think he hated recruiting at the end, auto correct changed not sure Dave hated it to but Dave hated it, I fixed that.

    He's a strong candidate with a very, very small sample size and he would even tell you he didn't deserve the job in 2016 and wasn't ready. O teaching him recruiting was as valuable for Dave as Dave was coaching the defense for O. That relationship helped both men tremendously. That's why he stayed over going to Aggy imo.
  7. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    In the past 20 yeara LSU has had 3 diffrent coaches that have all routinely signed Top 10 classes.

    If I'm Bama, Aranda is exactly who I'm looking at. Dabo would be #2 since he went to school there. Think Dabo likes his place at Clemson anyway.
    Brian likes this.
  8. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    What are you talking about? I posted before the Auburn game because of the nature of this game I never predict it. Did you miss that? You are making no sense. I made predictions for CMU and Moo and now predicting KY. One more time I said before Auburn I never predict that game. Hey I will predict every game from here on out that good enough for you? What are you going you predict? You talk a lot but don't back it up. At least I back up what believe. I talk the talk yes but I walk the walk. Hypocrisy? Why are you trying to start an argument with me? Thought you wanted to talk football and thought we started doing that about possible coaches. Was willing to not talk O firing and predictions yet you just can't leave it alone.

    Whatever Brian predict don't predict I going to do what I do you do your thing.
  9. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    I don't understand how you manage to miss the point I'm making every single time, but you're good at doing it. Consistent too.

    I don't care about predictions and I'm not urging to argue with you. This is merely an observation based on facts.

    User A does not predict game 1 with a reason stating why.
    User B made a prediction on game 1.
    User A makes a prediction on game 2.
    User B does not yet predict game 2 with reasons stating why.
    User A then calls out User B for not stepping up to make a prediction.

    That is an example of hypocrisy. It's fine, it's not a big deal. I've made a prediction since though no one honestly cares about any of it and I don't blame them. I don't either. It's all meaningless conjecture.

    The point is the facts are it was unadulterated pure hypocrisy. I believe that was what @kcal was trying to point out to you. (Though he can correct me if I'm wrong there.)

    It was hypocritical.

    I was merely asking if you actually recognize that it is or not.

    You seem to suggest it is not somehow?
    Perple likes this.
  10. BornOnTheBayou

    BornOnTheBayou 2022 Masters Pick 'Em Champion

    Sep 26, 2021
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    Besides you, who do you think really gives a shit about your predictions? I've said it before and I'll say it again. Back up your predictions by putting some money on the line.

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