LSU ca Auburn game thread

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Don Castavez, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. Hou-duco

    Hou-duco Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Brian likes this.
  2. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    WOW thanks so so much for your in dept psychoanalysis and it didn't coat me a dime! I have learned so much about myself I didn't know till now. I will take it under consideration. Now that I have thought about your diagnosis and views of Meaux meaning me I just have a few questions. Contrarian? Isn't calling someone a contrarian just a way of telling someone you should agree with what I say Dr Freud? WE accept? So others here participated in this psychoanalysis of Meaux meaning me? As a subject of the group psychoanalysis (which was not agreed to by Meaux meaning me) could you have the other eminate psychiatrists post their results? Not self aware? Let's see I am Meaux I do have conscious knowledge of that along with conscious knowledge of my own character, feeling, motives and desires. MMM MMM aaahhh could I see proof of your diploma proveing you are psychiatrist?

    Well unlike you I am NOT a psychiatrist so my uneducated psychoanalysis of you would be.......
    Me thinks you don't like me cause I don't agree wit ya. Not very refined and not proper psychiatrist speak but you get my point.
  3. unclenick

    unclenick LSU & USMC

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Keep hearing winning 6-7 games is " Good enough". Not sure who it's good enough for. I would have thought Mississippi State in the past. Maybe LSU has changed & were just accepting being a very poor football team.
    Plus paying Ed O Saban type money - someone wants him around.
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Yes admit it I did say that coach but I didn't say this is the best DC in O's tenure the jury is still out on that. I assume from your post about who we should hire as our next coach that offer of your help is still on the table, you did offer that right? You did agree to helping us to find the best next coach, right? When that time comes we can count on you to be there for us, right?

    We are so fortunate to have you looking after LSU footballs best interest.
    XXL TideFan likes this.
  5. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    I actually like you, but I don't hide my frustrations with you when you ignore logic and reason. Hey man I thought Corrall was gonna ball out yesterday and pull off the upset. I was totally off and terrible at that prediction. The results prove it.

    You're a contrarian in my view because I've watched you take the often solitary viewpoint against all others for years now regardless of reasoned thought, obvious evidence to the contrary, and repeatedly being shown your thoughts don't bear out. When you stubbornly stay in that lane no matter what it is the contrarian's nature.

    I liked the Peetz hire! He's been terrible. It is what it is. I'm not married to my opinions because I can be wrong and often am. Rational folks absorb all the data they can that's available and render a thought. You stick to yours no matter what happens. During the game I was shocked you were bummed because you're blindly optimistic.. but I knew it wouldn't last 24 hours and you'd be back here defending certain views that are frankly indefensible.

    I'm not against you. I think we're never too old to learn. I think we're either getting better or getting worse in life. So we're always changing. Change is good! Those that stick to their guns and avoid change, well, there's reasons for that. It is what it is. It's just an observation which I knew you'd take personally and respond in a sarcastic manner.

    You seem to have some knowledge of football, caca, but you constantly undermine your own opinion by being married to your initial viewpoints and tendency to be optimistic no matter what.

    Embrace the current data. Changing your opinion is actually a sign of growth and maturity. It's not a bad thing though society today likes to attack those who dare to not stay married to an opinion. It's sad. New data and observations should mean new thoughts. Instead if someone was once against ABC but decides DEF is a better way to go they're called a waffler or politician or wishy washy, etc.

    You even know deep down you're a sunshine pumper. You mentioned it. It's okay to be that, but just embrace it then. Accept it. Don't tell us you aren't what you clearly for years demonstrate you are. Not sure why you think I don't like you either. I don't bother with people I don't like. You get really snarky and defensive when you know you're wrong about something, too.
    BornOnTheBayou and LSU_4_LIFE like this.
  6. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    No shit aTm; it cost y’all $80M to figure that out? Hope they never get it right.
    StaceyO and Brian like this.
  7. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    10-4. I wasn’t 100% sure. Just saw the Nebraska drama. Good point in Callaway. Thanks for the insight as well.

    O Line is terrible. Time to get the youngsters some PT to hope they don’t start looking at the portal. Peetz just looks like a rookie play caller with a rookie QB. I just can’t believe Coach O hung his hat on that hook. It’s truly mind boggling.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
    Brian likes this.
  8. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    I haven’t heard that at all. I’ve heard 9-3 he is safe. 4-4 in SEC play and he is gone with 5-3 in SEC play and he will be evaluated.

    But off the field issues are on the horizon. I personally think LSU is trying to keep that as under wraps as possible and firing him for that will blow it wide open.
    BornOnTheBayou, unclenick and Brian like this.
  9. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Yeah, like Russ was an analyst last year but in the end of the year when Max came on and the offense started rolling you could see Russ Callaway was coaching Max on the sidelines every time he came off the field. They had a great rapport is why I wanted him as OC. Continuity is so big.

    You see Munoz next to O on GameDay on the sidelines and he's an analyst as well. They're not supposed to coach players during the week, but they can be with the coaches basically teaching them what to do during practice etc

    When O first brought on Greg McMahon it was as an analyst don't think we even had a special teams coach at the time. Greg would basically write a script and coach various coaches all week teaching each a small part of special teams to handle until he was able to be added as a staff member to coach the players. Etc. Nebraska must have been pretty blatantly breaking the rules, Nick started the whole analyst craze and pushing the boundaries, which is why we followed suit under O.. Les wasn't big on analysts for some reason.
    LSU_4_LIFE likes this.
  10. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Have nothing against you either Brian you just left yourself open for my sarcasm which I like to do. I value your opinions but not right now. My sarcastic response was meant for amusement mostly mine. I did call 3 wins in a row for us and if you saw my post before the Barn game I called it 50/50 us vs them to win. So right now I am 100% on my calls as I didn't make a call on UCLA because I had no idea what our 2021 team looked like yet. I remember the chatter here. We probably will lose to CMU and certaintly to Moo. Yes I am an optimist but hardly a sunshine pumper which I think means that you back your coach no matter what here at TF. That's not me. You certainly have seen my many post today saying if we lose to the hillbillies I am off the reservation. I am for the record predicting a win next weekend.

    You gotta admit your post was pretty harsh and you could have damaged my fragile psyche, just kidding. You have to admit that once you get over the sarcasm my post to you was kinda funny.
    Brian likes this.

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