Seems like the person trying to help is always the one that gets killed. Fuckin kids today just don't care.
Shit like that can just as easily happen anywhere. Can happen in Tuscaloosa, Austin, Gainesville or Columbus.
Birmingham is just right down the road from Gump'ville. Birmingham is a whole different level of dangerous compared to Baton Rouge. In fact I have never seen Baton Rouge on the First 48, but Birmingham stays on that show.
The only true safe space for parents angel athletes is Provo, UT. No alcohol, drugs, or sex parties going on.
First 48 has to partner with the local police department for access. Most agencies don't want cameras around their operations 24/7, which is a credit to those that do. That show really shows you how often murders being solved come down to community help.
And cell phones. How the hell did homicide detectives catch breaks in an investigation before cell phones. I feel like 75% are solved because of help from the victims cell phone.