Patterson up Fast ball low 1-0 Another ball 2-0 Low 3-0 Strike 3-1 Ground ball to third, out at 1st LSU - 0 AU - 1
Top of 3rd Ochinko Schimpf Hollander Ochinko up High and outside 1-0 Fouled 1-1 Hit to CF for base hit
Schimpf Schimpf missed Ochinko gets picked off at 1st Foul 0-2 Curve high and inside 1-2 Strike 3 two out
Bottom of 3rd LSU :tigbas: - 0 AU - 1 Jenkins Mummy Fletcher Jenkins up Fast ball high 1 - 0 Strike 1-1 Strike 1-2 High 2-2 Fouled 2-2 Fouled 2-2 Fouled 2-2 Fouled 2-2 Fouled 2-2 Fouled 2-2 Fouled 2-2 (Yawn) Strike 3 1 out
Mummy up Pop up Foul (bunt) 0-1 Fast and inside 1-1 Fast ball strike 2-2 3-2 Full count Foul 3-2 Fly to RF off wall - triple
Obviously the weather was better there than it was here today. I just got home (Slidell, LA) and had five trees down. It doesn't compare to the 60 I lost in Katrina but it still royally sucks! o: Come on Tigers...I really need a "Picker-Upper" tonight!
Morris up Runners on corners - one out Down and away - 1-0 Swing and a miss 1-1 Outside 2-1 Outside 3-1 Swing and a miss Full count Struck out. Runner goes to 2nd