How could this not be a night game? At the LSU vs. Tennessee Game I was sitting on the second row in the dead center. A rowdy LSU fan in his twenties kept screaming at the CBS cameramen and other workers. Every time they would come within earshot or walk in from of him he would scream "Thanks CBS for taking away the night games". His constant rant was laced with many profanities. I would have to agree with his sentiment. I was worried about there being no night games. I spoke with friends and they assured me that Auburn would be a night game. I told them that I was not so sure. Sure enough, it's another 3:30 game. For the record, CBS's coverage is starting to sicken me. The picture quality is awful and the commentators make me want to vomit. I would much rather the games be shown on ESPN.
yeah that's right so they thought more highly of Florida than LSU which is stupid Maybe they thought it was still 2009
LSU/Alabama Maybe Primetime ! I know this isn't any new news but channel 9 is now reporting it so there could be something to this after all. 9SPORTS: LSU vs Bama could be in primetime - WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA |
Scott Rabalais (@ScottRabalais) 10/21/11 5:22 PM reporting CBS is considering moving LSU-Alabama to prime time, contingent on both teams winning Saturday. #LSU
Why would LSU agree to it? I don't see a benefit to us. Why would ESPN agree to it? Since they are proposing altering the contract, will the rest of the SEC schools have to agree to the change? I'll be surprised if it happens.
I believe it would be to our advantage to play at night. The last time I was at Bama for a night game vs lsu the crowd was too tired too make much noise.