All this other talk about 11/5 Bama needs to be put in the closet till we get past Auburn. Auburn would love no better then to come in and spoil the show. They are capable team and they are a pain to beat every year I do not care who is rated where. Concentration on beating Auburn should be on everyones mind first not rankings and Bama. We have Auburn this week and CLM better have there minds on this game only as well as us the fans. Kick-off coverage needs to improve greatly. Or they will sneak up and bite us in the a$$. THIS IS BEAT AUBY WEEK ! Do I have a Hell Ya !:tigerhead:geaux::crystal:
Why can't we as fans talk about the Bama game? I'm not out there playing on Sat. The only ones that need to focus on AU Sat is the team and I've seen nothing out of them that suggest they're not taking each opponent seriously.
Old Macdonald had a "Barn"... with a bama bama here .. and a bama bama there, here a bama, there a bama , everywhere a bama bama ....
one game at a time-- get better each time, fix potential issues ( like our rush defense) also- whats big now is playing the second and third stringers so the first stringers are well rested and recovered from any ailments---- if i go to a game and see third stringers and we win- thats all i care about-- its a long season in the sec west-- i want to be as injury free as possible
It's the same story every week...we, as fans, continue to talk about Bama and each week someone says don't look past "X" Team ( insert W.Va, Tenn., Moo U) and every week our players handle their buisness. This team ain't lookin past nobody.
It is psychological. Seeing teams and fans in the past looking beyond an opponent then getting shocked. I think it stings a little bit more. But you talk the Gumps all you want, does not bother me. I do not care how good we may be, AU will be coming to play this weekend. Count on it. We trip up and lose, and that other game probably does not mean a whole lot when it comes to :crystal: I will giving my little five cents worth on the Gumps plenty for two weeks. I hate that team and it's arrogant ass fanbase with a genuine, heartfelt passion :thumb: