Why did Hawthorne get excited over that? The way he yelled "HE....... stuck him out." I thought he was going to say he hit a single or something good. grrrr
Just wear a lot of purple and gold and smile like you know something he doesn't. Guys hate that smile...
now THAT made me laugh! and a note to tf members. i will be bringing a greenie to the lsu/tulane football game. please feel free to come by and torture him about how bad their fb team sucks!
well... just getting in from turchin. matulis, cain and hanover ruined an otherwise entertaining game. toolame fans are even more arrogant than i remember them being. turchin looks really nice though. but that fieldturf surface sucks ass from as far as i can tell. it drizzled damn near the entire game which sucked, but aaron loup got his extra day of rest and it looked like it helped--he was pretty darn good. i really can't believe the crowd was cheering "loup there it is..." ya know, like the old "whoomp, there it is" song. that was pretty gay.