I agree. Bc im critical im labeled a hater? Gmafb... Go out and dominate an opponent that isnt a cupcake and ill still find something to complain about. We arent perfect
Never said it was, but we look like a pile of shit right now. As a life long fan, I am allowed to be pissed with shit play.
chavis is too pasiive against this type of offense. When they are playing around behind the line of scrimmage you have to bring the heat. Otherwise you have people looking for the ball. if you attack they you hit anything in your way. I feel like we will settle down in the second half but i want to see our coaches make some adj. and get our team settled down. In the sec you better be able to handle mistakes and overcome. First time we have turned the ball over to really hurt ourselves. On the road you cant turn the ball over. We can dominate the second half if we take care of our business. Overconfidence and not respecting an opponent is a sure way to lose a game. I think the barners have our attention now. And i would attack them up the middle. Ford only has speed. He just doesnt break any tackles. Ware looks for contact and doesnt use his speed and cuts. Hilliard has to run forward. He isnt a sideways runner. I am dissapointed in our oline from what i expected. Some real breakdowns and josh d can not play left tackle. His legs are not fast enough to cover fast de. must provide some rb help with him or put a te in and stop that pass rush. auburn has nothing to lose and is attacking our qb . you must call plays to counteract. throw deep on first down and go deep once in awhile. i think we win but i am very concerned. Auburn has been given alot in this game so far. We must take the crowd out and take the refs out. In the state of Alabama you better not leave it to the refs cause we will get screwed every time. This is a good lesson for this team that you better show up every play and every game. ULM had nothing to lose. Neither does Auburn. Honestly do you think bama or ga. or fla. or peoplew like that are gonna give em turnovers like this. Lets geaux tigers and i dont care what we win by just win. just win. a win on the road in the sec is all you need.
I don't think a beer is enough. I recommend 2 shots of whiskey, 2 shots of rum, and 1 glass of absinthe.
Miles' teams have an annoying habit of playing up or down to the competition... against a shitty team the Tigers usually have a shitty game... I think they will pull away in the second half... The problem is that they are showing the formula to use against LSU's offense... stack the box and blitz Met.