one out, Ochinko at second, Landry at bat... low, 1-0 in the dirt, 2-0 in the dirt, 3-0 swung on - base hit, but runner stays at third. Pitching change...
Runners at the corners, one out, new Arky pitcher is Murphy... Micah Gibbs at bat...hitting left handed 0-1 low, 1-1 throws to first, Landry back in time misses outside, 2-1 fakes throw to third, then first, runners on the bags, Throws to first, gets away from first baseman, runner from third scores, 5-0 Tigers, Landry was hit on back of the leg, walking it off... Throws to first AGAIN, Landry back swing and a miss, 2-2 fouled back, 2-2 swing and a miss, struck out, Landry advances to second base - 2 outs
Nola at bat, takes a called strike one. takes down and away, 1-1 swung, fly to center, caught, Tigers 5-0
McCann at bat, high, ball one swing and a miss, 1-1 swung - line drive to Ochinko - great catch! one out
levitt at bat fouled back to the screen, 0-1 called strike, 0-2 bounces away from Gibbs, 1-2 ground ball foul, 1-2 fouled to screen, 1-2 popped up to Hanover, makes catch, 2 outs.
Scott Lyons at bat check swing, 1-0 popped to right, caught by Mitchell, 3 outs, end of six, 5-0 Tigers
Mitchell at bat 0-1 low and inside, 1-1 chopped foul first base side...1-2 grounded to first, over his head, runner safe at first
Schimpf at bat 0-1 Throws to first, Mitchell back safely fouled back, 0-2 inside, 1-2 throw to first, Mitchell JUST barely safe throws to first again - close, but safe Mitchell goes - out at second base. One away. 3-2 high and away ground ball foul, 3-2 Struck out.