Well, call me crazy but I'll be there cheering, and freezing, my ass off. Geaux Tigers.....no cold is too much for Tequila
I'll be at a band concert/dinner/fundraiser at my 8th grader's future high school. The good thing is she needs to be there at 6:20 to warm-up, her band performs at 7, we'll have dinner, and be able to leave, as it's a come and go event.
that's not too bad Stacey....with DVR these days I don't mind starting to watch a game about 30 minutes late just so I can fast forward through the commercials
If I see the score when I turn on a game, I might just watch from that place. However, if I come in a little late (I'll be home by 8:30 at the latest on Saturday), I will watch from the beginning and fast forward through the commercials.