Bevo Bull Dung, y'all forget, I have a Granddaughter here in Tx. She is all LSU. I plan to keep her that way. One of my coaching friends, is not too lucky, he has made stops coaching at many schools, a few of the SEC schools. When it came time for his daughter to go to college, her choice? Auburn, yep, that was one of the stops. So Auburn it was.
I still need to preserve my sanity, and while I could easily take care of her educational needs through 12th grade English and history, I would seriously do her a disservice in math and science (which is why homeschooling gets on my nerves so much--having the audacity to feel you arenough of an expert in every discipline to truly educate your child effectively.)
Or could be worse. @LSUDad isn't the only connected dude around here. I don't know if Charlie will be there that long. From what I understand within a day of his hire there were around 50 boosters demanding a meeting with him so they could tell him how much $$ they contribute and how he should coach. I'm thinking one gets tired of the other before then.
yeah charlie is a fish out of water. he wants to punch these idiots in the face and i wish he would. just do it. i like that hes cleaned house and is bringing in like minded players; stronger willed players as opposed to the usual entitled mack brown types. needs a culture shock to change that place but im ok with them being mediocre and leaving our recruits alone.
Yep. Mack was running a daycare. I predicted this would happen. Would have been worse had nick taken the gig. Or not