Her being in college - ANYWHERE- is a good thing. Hell, today them getting out of HS not knocked up is an accomplishment.
I gotta take up for Stacey on this one it is damn hard to raise a child in the metroplex that doesn't get brainwashed into loving em some UT. Even if the purple and gold runs deep in their blood.
I'm not letting her off the hook that easy. I thought she was more of a baseball player than a golfer.
Geez, when I was in high school 26 years ago, many girls had trouble getting out of high school not knocked up. I'm one of the few that isn't a grandma yet.
Actually, LSU has failed it alumni. They did away with the LSU Legacy waiving of out-of-state tuition for children of alumni. This is a rather stupid move. Arkansas offers ALL Texas high school graduates in-state tuition. Oklahoma State reserves the right to do this, as well. And even Missouri and Kansas sometimes waive out-of-state for Texas graduates. What's LSU's problem? (I know...budget cuts; however, they are losing many potential out-of-state students this way, and it will not help with the Louisiana "brain drain" that I've been hearing about for decades.) If she gets accepted to UT, she can go (I wouldn't want her to be an Aggie); however, their in-state tuition is damn-near as expensive as LSU's out-of-state. The difference is that we paid $10,000 into a college savings program called "Texas Tomorrow Fund" when she was a baby. It guaranteed two years of Texas university in-state tuition at 2001 rates when babies go to college in 2019/20. She also has a 403B. If she chooses to go to school out of state, she can still use the $10,000, but it will not translate into 2 years' tuition. It's also hard to get into UT if you are not in the top 10% of your graduating class. This hurts the big school districts in Texas because UT and A & M are forced to automoatically accept any top 10% graduate in the state of Texas, even if the kid graduated with 15 kids in his class. My daughter will graduate with over 2000 kids, and she will not be in the top 10% (she isn't nearly Asian enough to achieve that--seriously, less than 1% of the 10% at Plano Senior High in 2019 will be Caucasian.) The PSHS top 10% will be at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, etc.--not UT or A & M. Many Plano kids get a "deferred" acceptance to UT or A & M to get around this. They will spend a year at a community college or other small state school, then UT/A & M welcome PSHS graduates in with open arms their sophomore year. If she must go to UT, we will likely pay out-of-pocket for a small school her freshman year, then let Texas Tomorrow pick up sophomore/junior years in Austin, with her 403B picking up senior year/grad school.