Let him continue being ill-informed if you like. He has a diatribe in the Carville thread (may still be last post) I'll get to in a little while. Brining a turkey this morning...smoking it tomorrow along with a ham...got a bit to do for someone who only has Bama football going for him. I need to go hit a bucket...always play on T-day and we're playing Chas. National.. Shot makers course where you have to play/know your distance. It has twice as much water as the Magnolia course we talked about...tighter than Lake Bueno Vista.
I never doubted Les would get his money from ku. I just never thought it would be guaranteed. Gotta win 6 games there to be a success I presume. Averaging 7 gets you in the KU hall. He misses Les more and more each day with me. The miles contract that never ended til a few days ago. Orgerons is gonna be the same I'm sure. But I do think it was smart we finally got miles off the books for a fraction of what we owed. Smart by both parties imo.
Actually I have a pretty nice day planned myself. Gonna go to home depot get some wallpaper then maybe bed bath and beyond, But don't know if we'll have enough time possibly streaking down by the quad later too. Then maybe get in a serious Off Co discussion where we discuss the intricacies of how high to cut the grass Friday before a home game if your receiver's wear their fast shoes. Beer bong and illicit drugs after that till I cant remember my name. Pretty nice little day planned.