You gotta give this Bama she-devildawg her due! She's quite an impressive beast! From her cankles all the way up her immense torso and wooly mammoth mammaries. The only thing she's missing is a little Nicky head under her houndstooth hat. If somehow, you woke up and found this beast on top of you, would you: A) Be a gent and do her again, asking her to "roll-over Tide" B) Slowly begin to gnaw off your own arm C) Scream fire, fire, fire and try to run away during the confusion D) Go back to sleep, it's only a nightmare
EE) Hit it again so as when she heard the words "get the phuck out" she would then kneaux without confusion that she would forever be known as Tiger Bait for life! The things I do to keep my fan card intact...