Or an INT return to the one-inch line. Of course, we'll probably dial up a shotgun hail-mary to try to punch it in...
With no apparent evidence I agree. I think the Oline improved last week. While they didn't get push they pass blocked better. I have a feeling they will be even tougher at home and will win the LOS. Remember when B Lafell had drops when D Bowe graduated? After a few weeks of getting the responsibility of being the go to guy in receiving he turned things around. I hope this is OBJrs time and if he gets going so will the other receivers. It is the little things we have not done well and it just takes one instance of clicking to change direction 180 deg. This is a matter of faith not science and for some reason my faith it telling me this is the week. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!
Sixteen points is a bit optimistic, don't you think? Maybe the defense will score a touchdown. Regardless of any defensive scoring, I do not see this offense matching that with a bounty of field goals. We'd have to consistently move the chains for that to occur.
If we win the special teams battle, which we haven't in the past two SEC games, we'll stand a MUCH better chance.
I'll go with the same score that I had for Florida (obviously I was way off), 27-17 LSU. Yes, that's a lot of points and dependent on getting at least one DEF/ST TD. I'll go with Ware getting a TD and Beckham redeeming himself with a good game and a TD.