Official line is up. 13 and a hook and 41. Would have to fall about 27-14 ish. I see a few more pts being scored.
In the past, you've commented about LSU not covering the spread. Do you think we cover this one? I can't remember ever being this much of a favorite against Florida. Of course, I recall vividly the beatings we endured for years at the hands of Spurrier and Co.
Neither can I. Not sure about the Galen hall era. Sure we can with Brantley out and one defensive score. They are banged up to all hell. I prolly wouldn't touch it since a win and no cover makes for a bittersweet feeling.
How the hell you see over 41 points being scored between the 2 teams? When a good defensive team gets a key player hurt on offense like that, they tend to buckle down to keep the score within range. I liken it to the LSU/Florida game in 09 when we had no offense to speak of but we played our butts off on D to keep it close, even up against that vaunted Tebow-led Florida offense. That score ended up being 13-3. I am thinking something along the lines of 23-6. You must be banking on a few turnovers by the Florida offense to give us easy scores and a TD or two late by Florida to keep it respectable. I don't think we're calling off the dogs on defense Saturday.
Because a green qb and a jacked up tm7 = field position and lots of scoring opportunities. And even a couple for hb himself Have you failed to realize the bluff les pulls by lulling you to sleep with the offense against uk. The dogs will not be called off and the scoring will be prolific. At least relative to us. We will have a want to roll UF if given the chance. 30-13 puts it over
You mean like the wva line being way too high at 50 you said. Lsu almost covered it themselves. It will be low scoring until UF finally breaks due to injuries. Then there will be a lot of quit in them. As Ron whites dad said about him.
13-14 is a good number. Special teams are a huge advantage for us. Sturgis was completely worthless to them last year, and the HB7 factor is undeniable against a freshman making his first start on the road. 38-20ish. 41 is a low o/u IMO.
Great post but that was my favorite part. CLM is a master at gamesmanship. Seems he always has something left in the tank all the way through the last game.
kind of a crazy number at first reaction. LSU favored by 2 tds over Florida? I wouldnt touch it but I can see the reasoning. all the squares will be on LSU. the others likely on UF. F quit last week. Its very possible it happens again this week if things go wrong for them. I dont see them scoring more than 17 unless we turn the ball over. I dont think hes quite as crafty as some think. But theres no doubt he puts on a different face for the biggest games and his teams play all-out in them.