It was hard for me to watch this game ... Do i go for the home state team or the sec team ? I caught myself cheering for both but was hoping tech would pull it out
Same here. My wife graduated for Tech and I was happy to see the state school win, but I've enjoyed Croom's stay and expected something from him this season. Miss St's loss drags the SEC down a bit. Exciting and disappointing at once. Tech is probably my second favorite state school.
I echo all these sentiments. On one hand, GO SEC! We have to play Miss State and of course, the better they look the better we look. On the other, GO LA TECH! I really didn't know who I wanted to win.
Freaking typical Tech fans...I was at a store earlier today with the family. This tech lady about my moms age gets in line behind us. I swallowed hard and did what I thought was right..I congratulated her on tech's win. She looked a little surprised, since I was wearing my normal Purple and Gold. We made small talk for maybe 30 seconds when she let loose with "Well, I'm just glad we don't act like LSU Fans at our tailgates." WTF! Where did that come from? I looked at my wife in surprise. She just shook her head and looked away...fearing my reply I'm sure. Since my kids were present, I just asked what she meant by that. She stated that we were nothing more than a bunch of drunks and feared all of the drunk driving after our games. I laughed and told her that us LSU "drunks" sweat out all of our liquor during the games and were fine when we got on the roads afterwards. She just smiled. I wanted to slap her. **** Tech fans. For the first time in years, I tried to be nice, and look what it got me. Never again...
Let me guess. She preceded her insult of the "bunch of drunks" with, "Bless their hearts, but..." Am I close?
Congratulations to Coach Dooley. He did a great job with our special teams. They haven't been much since he left. Although, Jones did a good job returning punts vs Appy state.
Got to watch most of the Game....MSU didn't deserve to win and Tech really wanted the game in the last quarter. Nice to see LA Tech with a bona-fide victory.... :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige