I wonder how Hitler is going to react to this one. He went berserk after the Ole Miss loss several years ago, I can't imagine! Stand by!!
correct. les did not let the free market determine who was best. this is liberalism at its finest. i wanted to believe he was innocent of his charges due to his reaction during his interviews. But i never bought it. I think he's simply delusional and that he convinced himself he had nothing to do with the dudes head that magically got kicked in. his failure to ever own up to a mistake on the field led me to that conclusion. irrelevant. if you had a guy who never took a snap in his life, you make the switch. for the good of your team. They were mentally ****ed knowing they werent going to do anything with JJ behind center. I plead the 5th. You can swap that with Josh Booty for me. Im not willing to discuss.
No accountability. Par-for-the-course for a lot of people nowadays. Sad. I'd be surprised if JJ was drafted and will LMAO at whoever does it.