You would think that if you don't blitz, you at least have a few guys covering the first down line and the rest covering deep. That is why we all wonder exactly what he was thinking. On the other hand you could say maybe it was blown coverage. But that is why we all wonder what really is going on.
If it had been Woodson back there, then I can see why you wouldn't necessarily want to blitz. But with Casey Dick, one of the bottom tier QBs in this entire league back there, you have got to rattle him. Heck, we didn't even fake a blitz to make him think about it. That may be the biggest travesty of all about this play.
I think it is clear which ones are popping out of the woodwork. And rational criticism is not the same as trying to run off coaches for losing a game. Most that want to run off the coach have no rational thoughts.
There is a big difference in rational discussion and some of the garbage floating up on Friday and Saturday. Matt Flynn had a rough game. He rallied hard, though, and led us to score at key times. I didn't like the last play call in 3OT leading to the interception, but then again, no one has ever hired me to be a coach. Flynn, IMO, goes into a game with all the dedication, drive, and heart you could ask. The comments some threw out toward him really set me off. Unfortunately, I imagine he will be mentally replaying the game for years to come. No one need add to his disappointment - build the guy up and he might lead us to an SEC title. My overall sense is that LSU no longer kept teams off balance. For a variety of reasons, we stopped rotating QBs throughout a drive. This seemed to keep our offense from getting stale and picked us up if in a bad rhythm. The defense is less aggressive. We also stopped some of the unexpected play calling. I know Miles got panned by some for this last point, but IMO it served a few purposes. First, we never let other teams get back into the game. Think you kept us to a field goal, think again. Kill their hopes, stop momentum shift. Secondly, we built up a reputation that inspired fear in our opponents and it offered the additional benefit of keeping us high in the polls. LSU dominated replay coverage, and the voters liked the entertainment.
I stayed off of TF until today because I did not want to read all of the crying and whining bemoaning our terminated NC chase. I figured the shock would wear off in a few days and we could move forward and concentrate on becoming SEC Champs. It appears there are a few chronic complainers who will never get over any loss, but those are to be expected. Here's my take: We lost 2 games, both in OT, both of which we could have won. There were questionable calls offensively and defensively which, in hindsight, may have cost us an undefeated season, but, that's the way it goes. A few years ago, we'd be 9-0-2, having never lost in regulation. We are playing in the SECCG and have a chance to be SEC Champs and to play in a BCS bowl on New Years day. If that makes you unhappy, sucks for you, but I'm looking forward to Saturday and the years to come. Go LSU! Go :milesmic: :thumb: