looks like it's open season now on Miles

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerBacker70, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Rex C.

    Rex C. member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I disagree. He gave the right response.

    It would be pointless for him to continue engaging the media on this issue. Whatever he attempts to explain will be dissected ad nauseum (as witnessed here).

    He's correct to avoid further distraction on the eve of the biggest game of the year to date. It's time to move on and focus on Florida.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Dat-Tiger-Fan

    Dat-Tiger-Fan Founding Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    What's he supposed to say dude.."uh, we can't figure it out f**ck it, maybe it won't happen again....I'll try googling it tonight to look for suggestions"

    He said what any coach would say...
  3. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    That actually sounds like something he's probably said to someone at least once during his tenure at LSU.

    He could have used another word for victory. Win. Win is good.
  4. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Then there's always the option to do any damn thing other than what he's doing now. It literally couldn't be worse than what he's doing now. Seriously. If he would accept what we all know (that he doesn't know his a-hole from his elbow when it comes to clock/timeout management) maybe he could swallow his enormous pride just long enough to consult with some of his coaches to learn something. Anything. His biggest problem isn't that he doesn't know what he's doing, it's that we all see it and he refuses to acknowledge it with the evidence staring him in the face. Over and over again. His arrogance is staggering.

    They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

    "Hello. My name is Leslie and I can't read a game clock with under 2 minutes on it, send in 2 plays at once, or call a timeout in a timely manner."
  5. Rex C.

    Rex C. member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    First, please speak for yourself.

    Second, other than Ole Miss last year, and Tennessee this year - what other major clock managment problems has Les had? I know there have been a few additional ones, but I can't recall the specifics - perhaps you can list them?

    Third, as for "arrogant"...I really don't see it. Saban was arrogant, but Les Miles? Not so much. A bit goofy a times, but not arrogant.
  6. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Well perhaps you're one of those who hasn't realized it either then. My apologies for presuming you'd seen what I have over the last several years of LSU football.

    Other than the 2 obviously glaring cases you mentioned, 2007 Auburn is burned into my memory as a classic Miles time management bungle (yes, I know the Tigers won). There's at least 2 or 3 others that I can recall but I'd have to look up which games they were. I think one or two were games I attended in person against some of our huge in state rivals, not on TV. Not big games, but the same nonsense from the Chief nonetheless. I could go back and look some of them up but I'm far too lazy. Maybe someone else can remember specific games. But if you haven't realized it yet for yourself, then no amount of examples I look up will convince you.

    And yes I see a lack of ability or lack desire to improve in this area as arrogance. He has claimed that it is something that will be fixed, but it hasn't. I don't have any inside information, but it doesn't seem that he has done anything about it to improve anything. Why is that? Improvement certainly hasn't manifested itself. I'm working on the presumption that it's because he's not as concerned about it as I am. That could be wrong but that'll be my thought until I see him do anything differently in a similar situation. He saw that the Tigers were almost dead last in Div I football last year offensively and yet we have the same anemic offense coached by the same OC. I see his blind loyalty to Gary Crowton as arrogant in not admitting that a poor choice was made as arrogant. If we find out that Crowton has his family tied up in a basement at gunpoint, then I may think differently about his decision to keep the program heading in that direction. Short of that, I see it as arrogance in not wanting to admit it was a bad hire and fix it by making some changes.

    Just my opinions and observations, feel free to dissent.
  7. Rex C.

    Rex C. member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    No apologies necessary. I see it. We all do. But we don't all arrive at the same conclusion as to what/who the cause is. I'm hopeful that a new OC can fix this problem for us. I suspect we'll see that change at the end of the season.

    This is kind of my point. Like you, I know there have been some other screw-ups, but I really can't name any/many of them. It kind of makes one wonder if there might be some perspective missing in some of these clock management diatribes.

    I don't know about you, but last year I recall him fixing the problems from Ole Miss in the following game against Arkansas. Of course it happened again and almost cost us a victory last week - hopefully we'll see the appropriate corrections in tonight's game. I disagree on your point regarding improvement - we are certainly improved in many areas of the team. If we're going to blame Les for the failures, shouldn't we also give him credit for the successes?

    As for Crowton, your "basement at gunpoint example" is hilarious! And I too, would have liked to have seen him replaced at the end of last year, but sticking with him at midseason is not blind loyalty when you're 5-0.

    And I guess we define arrogance differently. To me, Miles comes accross as a bit of a bumbling nice guy with a goofy persona - that sort of schtict is fine when we're dominating other teams (see 2007), but when the mistakes and losses start to pile up it does not serve him well from a PR standpoint.

    Finally - as for tonight, I would really LOVE to see the team play well and get a convincing win...but I'll take another sloppy one if that's all I can get.
  8. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    LOL ,

    All that matters to me is we WIN [​IMG]
  9. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    I say blindly loyal to Crowton because where else can a person be the absolute worst performer at their job in a given field of endeavor for an entire year and remain employed (at one of the top companies in the business by the way) when there are numerous better candidates available? That doesn't make sense to anyone. It would be different if there were nobody else out there, or nobody willing to take over the job. Why are you and some others willing to concede yet another season of offensive abomination when we already saw that last year and see the same results so far this year? How long must we struggle to score points with this much overall talent before it's gone on long enough? At lease we have a good ground game that has been able to bail us out so far.

    We are 5-0 IN SPITE OF our offense, not because of it. The unbeaten record isn't an excuse for maintaining the status quo when it's not producing the desired results. I guarantee you right now that we will lose games because of the offensive woes when our defense is good enough to compete with anyone. I promise it.

    Yes I know that some of this, maybe a lot of this, is because of QB play. But lack of improvement at the position or lack of tailoring your offense to fit what you have to work with is on the coaching.

    My point about the arrogance is that if Miles is indeed the captain of this ship and his navigator doesn't now how to steer or read a freaking map or compass, who's going to be responsible for losing the cargo when the ship when it hits a reef??? I can't imagine why he wants to cover for Crowton other than to keep from admitting that he hired a guy who's just not good at the job and being unwilling to make the change. Maybe his hands are tied and we don't know it, but I doubt that.

    Put Gilligan at the helm captain, he can't do worse than the current clown steering the ship.
  10. Rex C.

    Rex C. member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Well, he's not going to fire him at mid season at 5-0, even if that 5-0 record is in spite of Crowton's mistakes. I suspect that CLM is not pleased, but for him to publically express any dissatisfaction with his performance at this point would be unprofessional and counterproductive for the team.

    On the other hand, if we lose more than 2 of the remaining 5 SEC games, that will change things dramatically...and Les will likely be forced to make a change at OC.

    As for tonight, I have a good feeling about the game and I believe we're going play strong. I realize this is probably blind optimism, but what the heck - Geaux Tigers.

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