Why would I put together a list before Less Miles is fired? However, LSU is a top tier football program and after other coaches around the world watched Less Miles win games on pure talent alone despite his poor coaching ability, I have no doubt that plenty of top flight coaching talent would love to have an opportunity to become LSU’s head football coach. Seriously, you must be out of your cotton-picking mind! To the contrary most LSU fans aren’t as mentally incompetent as you apparently are, as in stark contrast with you most LSU fans do want a "good coach," and if anyone missed the boat I’m afraid it is you. According to who, you? With all due respect, you wouldn’t know a good coach if he stared you in the face and spit in your eye, and contrary to what you say, after watching the Less Miles football follies at LSU the past few seasons, there are a ton of top flight coaches that would gladly come over here.
That answers it all right there. The AD is who makes this decision and trust me he already has a wish list in case it is ever needed. Reason # 1 billion and one fans like you aren't in charge of the football or any other athletic operations. Really every rational post I read on this board says Great coach for a replacement, not good coach. With the exception of yours.
Please forgive me if I’m not dumb enough to trust you. We obviously didn’t have a list last time around when Less Miles was hired, and we obviously didn’t have a list prior to Saban being hired because we sought out outside help and hopefully we do it again. You really mean reason #1 billion why it is obvious you don’t have the first clue. Actually I said: Apparently you are not rational but indeed irrational and extremely deluded. Good coaches don't become great until they have finished their careers or in the twilight of their careers and then can be judged great. Thanks for playing. Next.
Mix in a few positives on occasion and you would be right. Guys like you, izzy, SIU and a crapload of others bash Miles constantly and nothing else. Even in threads that are positive in nature. Sounds negative to me.
This coming form the guy who recently called me a "dumchit." Hypocrites wasn't a Greek philosopher, junior.
Which leads to those of us who are called sunshine pumpers to defend Miles. Even when I really don't want to at this point, but I also am rational enough to not keep calling for his head.