Herby not only crawfished, but he finished off by bashing Miles and the way he left Oklahoma State!! The dude was in a pinch! He should have never leaked the story before our championship game KNOWING that Michigan had not been given permission to talk to him until the game was over! It was damn near sabotage. I was furious when I heard about ESPN announcing this. I almost thought the guy was cool after his out of nowhere "love" for us this year, but in the end he tried to stick it to us when we about to play our big one. Forget you Kirk, you are a Donnie Brasco after all.
If you know a player that was told by Miles that he was leaving name them. If not, then quit trying to inflate your ego by claiming to be on the inside. Thank you.
Yeah, that's gonna happen. But for your convincing, go to the other board, Lyle Hitt's mom posts on there all the time. She confirmed it today, only after it was announced that Miles was having a presser. Nothing about ego. I really don't much much of one. It pretty much common knowledge by now though that it happened.
Not disputing your statement and your backing of your statement at all, but if so then CLM has made himself to be turd of the week you think?
BINGO! It doesn't matter what his "sources" told him, or how "confident" he is in them. He brought this false story out today for one reason and one only...self promotion. It backfired on him, and he ain't man enough to admit it. To say he has been all LSU all year is laughable at best, because you're discounting all of LAST year, AND...I specifically remember mushberger asking him after the VT blowout who was #1, and he said U.S.C. is how he would vote. It was only after USC lost to STANFORD that he decided LSU was #1. I guarantee you right now he thinks tOSU is #1.
What's the username? Which other board? I'd just like to know so I can read the reaction from the players.