this is exactly where we landed, eeking out a 3rd place finish on 247composite, barely beating out Ohio State for those that want to know, keeping Fowler would have kept us 3rd and adding on Mullen would have put us 2nd, still behind Bama
So, we got two 5*, and sixteen 4* players, and a total of 23 recruits w/key needs being filled. Bama got three 5*, and fourteen 4* players, and a total of 25 recruits. Besides a slight edge in overall ranking, that's about as close as it gets. How people are looking at this negatively and as if we "lost" something is beyond me. Two players are not going to make or break us in the long term. Relax people and rejoice in what we have and what our potential is moving forward.
Born and raised...and never even heard the last name. I'm from north of I-10 though so it's the part of the state most Cajuns never heard of.
He re-opened his commitment on Jan 21st....barely over two weeks ago. Typically that happens when the school either cools and stops communicating or they flat out tell the player they won't have room. ucla is a good school. It's not going to help him advance his career past football. IMO, if you get offered by Furd and they still want you, you go to Furd. Westwood is a "nice" town. ucla is a "nice" school. But still....phuck the bruins.