Good Interview, but I am inclined to believe that if CLM is even thinking about where he can leave his legacy it would be in BR. Going to Ann Arbor while leaving LSU he will ALWAYS have to admit that being a national champion means you have to beat the ENTIRE SEC to be that champion. My opinion, but I believe he is recruiting now for his tenure in BR. He stays- :tigereye: :milesmic: ldskule:
I like Miles, but he needs to try and improve his articulation during interviews. "No uh... um... no question... yeah, uh... no question." I will say that he improved towards the end.
I know I sound like Captain Obvious but...if the Michigan job is offered....he will surely be gone. Listening to him talk about Bo and Michigan it's clear where this man's loyalty lies. Hopefully he will leave one of these :crystal: behind though.
I agree. Even with it being a radio interview, you can easily tell he's smiling the entire time he is talking Michigan football. And his answer about staying at LSU he pretty much skirted, instead referring to the task at hand this season and taking each game one at a time. If Michigan wants him, and that's a big IF, he is gone.
Someone told me there was a rift b/w Bo and Les over Jai Eugene's recruitment. Anyone know if this story has legs ? I know Bo wasn't the coach at the time but allegedly Bo and Les had words over the phone about it and Bo wasn't happy.
I never heard it before last night when they said something about it on the Tiger Zone. They didn't go into specifics, but they did mention Jai, CLM and Bo in a negative fashion. I'm curious as to what took place myself.
Wow, that came out of left field. What is the relevance to the topic at hand? Just curious. What are you trying to intimate?
Very possibly. one of my buddies grew up with Jai. Jai was following his highschool Def. coordinator to UM. However, he had a kid and decided to stay in Louisiana.
He's not just being intimate...or whatever. I have said numerous times that I've been hearing for weeks now that there are some issues between Les and the UM higher ups. I didn't know it was with Bo, and still don't know that...but there is no "higher up" at UM than Bo. (God rest his soul) Anyway, I don't think they want him. If they did, I think he would go...but I think only UM fans want him.