Why do you ignore governmental intrusion in every other facet of our lives. It is necessary to have a functioning society. It is a needed in this issue as any other.
a baby is a person, a cell at conception isnt. at 6 weeks a heartbeat is present, that should be the cut off before that mind your damn business.
why are you constantly assuming shit. why are you against govt intrusion in other facets of lives but not this one?
Again, completely arbitrary. According to you at some magical point the baby goes from being worthless mung to a person. That is wrong. It is no more a person at the first heartbeat than it was an instant before. It became a person when it came into being due to the fusion of ovum and sperm. At that point there is a clear change as two dna sequences give rise to a new and unique being, one that displays every trait that a living being can display. The sex, and whether it has freckles, and whether it will have an innie or an outtie are created at that point. As I have already demonstrated the bar moves for when a human being is a person. Since that is dangerous we should set our standards around when a human being begins its life. That is conception.
so its a person before a heartbeat is established because clearly there are millions of people walking around without a heartbeat.
I disagree. The embryo is fully human at the point of conception. Whether a fertilized egg implants does not change this. Implanting allows the embryo to continue developing on into a fetus then an infant then a toddler etc. Not implanting causes the embryo to die. But at conception a new human being very clearly exists, and any embryologist will tell you that. The question is whether the human being is a person with a right to life, and my point is if you draw any line stating some humans are persons and some are not you have created a dangerous and arbitrary line. The personhood debate is an exercise in eugenics. Nazis argued Jews and the retarded weren't people. You are arguing people lacking certain arbitrary traits aren't people.
Why don't you read my posts? I started this thread by saying to have a functioning society governments are established to balance competing rights. That is the very definition of government intrusion. There is no segment of humanity that doesn't have governmental intrusion. Even at the family leval the parents are the "government" and intrude on childrens' lives. EVERY OTHER RIGHT ENUMERATED IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS HAS LIMITS PLACED ON IT! We have limits on "free speech", "Free Press", "the right to bear arms" and all the rest. The limits were placed there by a government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE and FOR the people. That is government intrusion defined. That is why we elect state and federal legislatures, executives and judges. Why do you ignore that fact for abortion? The argument is where is the balance and when is the intrusion too great or not enough. I don't want LSU SF or the government telling me my wife/GF/daughter can't have an abortion early or allowing them to have one when the baby can live on its own. Don't you realize babies are born at 5 months and thrive these days? How can you in good consience allow an abortion for convenience at that point? Somewhere between the two is the right place to be. MM the fact is we need a certain amount of government intrusion. Finding the correct amount is the key.
Yes. It is a person in a very early stage of development. Do you not understand that we develop different traits as life progresses? A beating heart is not requisite for the life to continue in the first weeks of development. Babies don't develop lungs until much later in development. It isn't because they aren't human yet. It is because they don't need lungs yet.
but the universal trait to life is a beating heart. Its not like blue or brown eyes. A heart beat is the key to survival.