Limits on Rights

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, May 3, 2013.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Supra I have to remind you we do that all the time. There are end of life decisions made on people everyday. Whether to operate or not whether to remove someone from life support etc etc. Again the definition of when personhood begins has always been a philosophical one. Even today science knows that many fetuses are never implanted in the womb and therefore are lost naturally. So is a morning after or 3 day pill/abortion ok? According to the cathloic church we should protect potential life...what the F is that? There are societies today that don't confer a soul or personhood on someone till they are aa year old.
    Beyond all of that, it is the dynamicism in societies that prevent slippery slopes. I think we were as far to abortion rights as possible 10 years ago and now the pendelum is swinging back. Hopefully it will fall so that at somewhere in the 1st trimester abortions will be very difficult to obtain.
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    An update on the IRS scandal.. As reported by ABC & MSNBC the woman in charge of the IRS office that handled these 501 determinations was NOT fired but promoted to the IRS office that oversees Obamacare! WTF is going on here?
    This is either an incompetent and arrogant administration that rival's W's or the corrupt lair of Chicago pols.
    This lies at President Obama's feet and he is responsible. As Harry Truman said "The buck stops here" Barry.
    The faith in the effectiviness and fairness of government is critical to our past 200+ years of success as a country. Things like this threaten that and undermine our rights.

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