phuck that. I don't need to remember the rotary dial phones to enjoy carrying my cell phone around wherever I go. And it's not even about that. LSU fans recognized we could lose that game. Not showing up...we never saw that coming. :lol:
It's true. I'll often take the side of the coach realizing that coaches will sometimes make decisions that make you say WTF (?)--but knowing they are only human and are often dudes with large egos, and ***** happens sometimes.
They're human. No coach intentionally makes a decision that makes them look stupid. They're competitive and do what they think gives them the best chance to win. Sometimes it's hard to go against something you're comfortable with and it's easy to be TOO close to the situation to see what's obvious. Ask your dad if he ever erred in making a wrong choice to stay with a kid that looking back, he should've done otherwise. All coaches have those stories. I know in softball/baseball and pitcher decisions, it can be a killer.
I think it took a lot for him to admit today if he could go back he would have changed it. I have hope that he will adapt. Hopefully he won't prove me wrong.
Oh but he will. Time and time and time and time again. What you saw today was the affect of pressure. When the next football season rolls around and the pressure subsides he will fall right back into what is comfortable for him. 1. Not releasing enough control of the offense and 2. Having a white knuckle grip on the Bo Schembeckler bible of his and things will look exactly like they always have. How many OC's do we have to go through before it becomes obvious?
While I still don't understand why Les did what he did on the 9th, he still has the best record ever at LSU. He's not going anywhere. I see us going back to the offense we ran with Flynn. We need to develop of few WR's. Mett is ready to go and we should turn him loose.
I think I am coping very well thank you !! (Major tranquilizers, veterinary anesthetics, Thorazine and a plethora of schedule 1 drugs help. Thank God for Michael Jackson's personal physician!!) :insane:
Yes indeed, I hope he does turn him loose! I like clm, and have always been in his corner... not that I agree with him on everything. He don't need to go anywhere! He just needs to maximize what's before him!
I don't know. Can't say I remember a loss more disappointing than this during my decades following the Tigers. And a big reason its so disappointing is I think they were capable of so much more than they brought. And if LSU had to mail in a stinker, Bama and Saban are the last team in the Universe it should have happened against. Whoda thunk 4 years after Perriloux, we'd still be feeling the fallout of Les not having a valid "plan B" for RP's departure.