Will the populace, or you, for that matter, be more or less in favor of the President after the new one takes office than you are now. Knowing I will be castigated, but that is the price of holding no cards, I will go on record as saying I prefer current known quantity over either of the unknowns, but that is an incredibly low bar!
First let me commend your bravery for starting this thread. I agree it is an incredibly low bar and I would have agreed with you that the devil we know is probably better than either of the unknowns, until recently. Obama's moves to use the UN as a substitute for Congress in treaty negotiation and approval is a dangerous precedent. He's approaching Hillary evil.
My gut is that there will be a continuing downward spiral. Domestically she will be a disaster as her cronie capitalist corruption will do nothing but help her friends. She'll also try to give more free stuff to sooth the masses. As a result the economy will continue to suck and have poor to no growth. Overseas she'll rattle sabers and continue to waste lives and treasure but for nothing. Foreign leaders have her measure....pay Bill outrageous speaking fees and get goodies from her. If she survives without impeachment she'll leave office richer than Bill Gates
In 4 years Kanye West will be president. I'm telling you this country is fucked. It's Idiocracy right now.