The loss doesn't bother me half as much as all of the "sky is falling!" crap that goes on in the forum aftwewards. I completely agree with TC, we got beat, and beat good. One team showed up to play, and the other one simply did not. No bones about it. In a way I'm glad we got the loss out of the way now... "Hello, feet? Yes, it's the ground calling... Glad to have you two back down here." Knowing how this team has been so resilliant in the past, I'm not worried one bit about the rest of the season. Our team will get back to work and focus on what they CAN control from here on out. If they work hard enough, it will pay off. Who knows, maybe we'll get a chance at redemption in the SECCG if Fla. makes it.
Not so fast, there is plenty of football left to play. This week is huge. We need to come to grips with the fact that we don't have a seasoned junior quarterback (like we should) leading the charge, we have an inexperienced freshman. It ain't over yet, trust me. (Saturday October 10th, 2009. Mark it on your calender and don't be late)
Isnt it funny that a lot of those posts come from relatively new posters or people who post only a few times a year? I bet they are lurking green pukes or moles just trying to stir the pot. If I see some noob posting $hit like that I dont even read their crap.
That's the other side of it I suppose. It's nothing new. Thankfully it only happens about twice a year. :geaux:
"OUCH"...Is about all I can say. Unfortunately I had a bad feeling about this game. We have very young inexperienced QBs...that explains some of it, but by no means all of it. Just hate taking an ass whoopin form Fla like that...Man, its just bad. Hats off to the gators though, they came with their "A" game, LSU showed up with something like an "F"...Just sayin. Well, I still choose to remember last year when "T" Bo left Tiger stadium bawlin...:grin: Maybe this all was a "good" thing in the long run. Least I hope so. All in all...typical SEC football.