No, that good comedians, no matter what their personal political leanings will blast all sides of the fence.
A few other reasons why liberal talk shows are not typically as successful as the Hannity and O'Reilly baloneyfests: 1 - With truth on their side liberals have no need for the habit of daily propaganda to craft and uphold specious argumentation. 2 - With truth on their side liberals are more self-assured in their opinions and have no need for daily approbation. 3 - Rational thought stands on its own and doesn't need constant buttressing. 4 - Liberals are less inclined to accept authority figures and don't need such persons to tell them what to think. 5 - As more tolerant people, liberals are less inclined to let politics dictate their viewing choices. By the way, I could have used those very same reasons to explain why liberals ATTEND CHURCH less than conservatives. For liberals, imposing political viewpoints on others is less a religion than it is for Republicans. That also explains why Republican turnouts in elections are usually higher as a percentage of their registrations than the same for Democrats.
In tribute to Steve Scalise, congressmen are wearing LSU hats in their bipartisan charity baseball game tonight:
It was Air America and there are still some lib talk shows out there, Thom Hartman had one for awhile don't know if he still does and this really old dude out of Atlanta had one too I can't remember his name but he was pretty provocative. I'll try and find out his name. Edit: it was Mike Malloy. He is what I would consider a liberal Mark Levin.
Good piece. I don't fall head over heals for POV pieces but it is obvious there is/was audience pandering. I don't like all news stations at all for this reason. Kudos. You have got to be fucking kidding me... Kudos removed.
Lol. Great comedy. They aren't successful because nobody wants to hear their shit and they suck. It's basic TV. That, and libs are more interested in fantasyland.....reality TV and coverage of every facking parade that libs put on. Seriously, libs and Dems are Hollywood. That's where they spend their money and effort in the hopes of influencing the public.
That's so off the wall I don't believe even you believe it. Come on Rex, just admit you are here to troll will say anything you can make up that is contrary to the prevailing opinions of this forum's members.
No, I don't listen to any talk radio. I'ma XM music-type and mostly country music. When my kids are in the car I make concessions. Right now, I listen a lot to channel 13....Carolina shag. No, hate speech did not come from conservative radio and it was serious fringe groups who depicted Obama with a noose. What mainstream Republican or conservative supported or cheered on an Obama noose facsimile? Nugent is nuts and he doesn't count as mainstream Republican. What we saw last week was a well-known comedienne depict Trump's beheading, then held a new conference where she proclaimed herself as the victim and Anderson Cooper seems to be the only person who outwardly scolded her. The truth is, there is a decent-size population of libs/Dems who hate Trump enough to have enjoyed the beheading depiction and would cheer loudly were he to be assassinated. Just own that because it's true. Stop deflecting to cons or Pubs. There are plenty of evil, hateful, vile, pieces of shit on the left.