i think you're right on the money! i am convinced, after all i've heard him say and all i've read that he and his wife said, that Les Miles is a LSU man now. Michigan is that fond past that will always be a part of him, but he and his family are settling in and have made LSU and Baton Rouge their home now. The man has honor and integrity and speaks from his heart more than i've ever seen a coach do.
I am sure the opportunity to put a little buckeye in his boudin will ease his decisions a bit. Soup for the soul!
I heard he wanted to stay because Hester told him he would truck stick him if he left. Just a rumor though. :wave: :geauxtige
I do love his honesty, more integrity than saban. I hope we can reward him for staying by bringing that beautiful shiny football back to the red stick! I CANT WAIT!
Sorry Bawlin. Miles gave up his dream to support this team. He realized the team needed a shot in the arm and had to quell the ESPN rumor mill. So he burned his bridge home to support these kids. I'm sure Skip adding a few zeros to his paycheck helped but the man is pure class and integrity. And sometimes this is far more important than a few x's and o's. He might bleed maize and blue but his heart is pure gold (and purple).
Speaking of money, the word up in Hawkeyeland is Michigan was thinking their new coach would be so dang proud to be at the Big House that he would come for peanuts. I would bet when they put their Mickey Mouse offer on the table, it had alot to do with Les' agent trying to keep from laughing when he talked to Miles. I don't know for a fact what the Michigan Men are willing to pay, but we're hearing it is considerably less than what Kirk Ferentz is making at Iowa ($2.84 mil).... and KF left the discussions early on.
I think he really wanted the job, had the job, it was a done deal. But then some things happened. 1. Carr's timing hurt Miles' current football team by causing distractions. 2. The Michigan talk cost LSU the Arkansas game, which I believe Miles thought was very unfair to his team, and to Him. 3. Skip and the admins made it clear to Miles that they wanted him to stay. Offered him a top 5 coaching salary, and all the while gave him the respect to openly allow him to speak with Michigan if he thought that was best for him. 4. Miles took his team into the Georgia DOme Friday evening for their walk through, saw the down heads and lethargic participation, felt this was some of his doings, and wasn't fair to the team he loves. 5. The news of the deal was leaked to Herby and ESPN in some way shape or form. They go live with it 5 hours before his guys were going to compete for the SEC Championship. He knows this is Michigan's fault. This was a sign of disrepect to Miles. This was the last straw. I may not think Miles is a great gameday coach, but even his worst critics can't deny that he loves this football team. I think he felt like Michigan, although they were giving him the job of his dreams, wasn't giving him or his team the respect that they deserved. At this point he realized, I have a good thing here and this school is thinking of my best interests way more than Michigan right now. That caused doubt, and made his decision easy. Then we got the presser 2 hours before gametime. The teams perked up, played their game, and won the guy an SEC championship. Hours later the dominoes started to fall, and all the sudden his team has a chance to play for it all.
You haven't heard it officially until you heard it from the associate band director! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Just kidding with you man...:thumb:
When you grow up and move away, you develop a new home. You may love your folks and it may still be "home", but most of us don't really want to move back in with our parents. You still love em, but.....