My only concern about when saban leaves is whether or not BTR is beyond the event horizon when Tuscaloser collapses under the weight of its own shattered ego.
he could easily duplicate it in louisiana. just do your recruiting magic in louisiana while coaching there, plus a few from other states and, championships! you start with the best, you should have championships. he may be a better recruiter than he is coach, so it wouldn't be a stretch. like this years crop of high schoolers...3 of top 8 in most polls are from louisiana. when was the last time alabama grew that kind of talent. like NEVER! you guys have to poach from other states.
my case is simple (this was your original assertion... Little late for "up and leave." How about just leave? Always possible, but he will never duplicate this success anywhere else. Saban always struck me as someone who knows he is in the perfect storm. A wise coach will ride it out) said saban couldn't duplicate what he's done anywhere else. louisiana has the best players, bama doesn't. bama (saban) poaches best player from OTHER states. do i need to spell everything out to you? you graduate from a bama high school or something? oh, sorry. now, you make your case for why saban could not do what he's done if he were somewhere else. you brought up the subject and made the statement, but provided nothing to back it up. NOTHING. you made the case, now bring the meat! the onus is normally on the person making the absurd statement to at least give facts, rather than statements. why could saban not do it in louisiana if louisiana has better players coming out of high school? now, bring it on. we're anxious to hear this wisdom.
I think 5 years takes your argument out of the hypothetically to some extent. And even though you started the argument, I'll go first. Coach Saban never enjoyed an undefeated season in BR. He never had back to back 10 win seasons in BR or even his entire football coaching career for that matter, at any stop. At Bama, coach Saban has enjoyed back to back 10 win seasons for the last 5 years. Back to back 12 win seasons twice. With the last two seasons actually back to back 13 win seasons. He went undefeated in the 2009 NC season (14-0)
Saban knows that he is an integral part of a near perfect storm. There are numerous programs across the country that he could recreate his success at. Whether he chooses to stay or not would not be an indication of his wisdom. Just a matter of what he wants to do before he hangs it up. Does he want a new challenge or does he want to enjoy his success as long as he wants to?
Ok, lets be honest here. Bama should've lost at least 3 games last year. end of game coaching favors bama. i won't go into the legitimacy of you guys being in the NC game the year before when you didn't win even a part of the conference you played in. ok, woulda, coulda, shoulda. all of that is in the past. as are ALL of your facts. your original assertion has to do with FUTURE speculation! what you stated as an argument was what saban has ALREADY accomplished in gumpland. for some of you alabama natives, that means the PAST. now, you put saban, who is no doubt in many peoples minds the best combination of recruiter and coach college football has maybe ever seen, into another state...say Louisiana and see what he does. remember, he largely made his reputation at LSU and then lied to everyone and left for NFL fame and fortune. he recruits the hell out of louisiana. why couldn't he do as well with the almost guaranteed sick talent coming out of high school from Louisiana (and the lack thereof coming from alabama), considering his coaching/recruiting prowess? would Crob have still picked alabama and david shula type coach if saban was at LSU? would saban have needed to get landon collins girlfriend a job to get him to go the LSU? oh, and i didn't start the argument, you did when you made the statement. statement = argument..ok? you still have no meat! your entire fact layout is based on past results. why couldn't the primary guy responsible for the championships at alabama move to a talent loaded state with one major college football team and have at least the same success? Now, please consider the definition of Past and Future before making any other asinine post. And you do realize (probably not), we have been only an adequate quarterback away from having at least a couple of those championships you guys are enjoying? i have to think the tide is changing. get it? probably not.