I would put the Tennessee high schools in my area against any in south Louisiana. These guys play hard nose football. They are very disciplined and well coached. Maybe it doesn’t translate to the next level but as far as teenagers go they are talented. Maybe I live in the anomaly part of the state.
had is best year with (won 'ship) with crablegs... sumlin had his best years with johnny foosball.. why exactly would he be this exceptional coach just by going aggie...
We are seeing now how underwhelming he is with the crimi-noles. With out an oline and a mediocre QB he is struggling. Things wouldn't be different in aggie land. That being said I don't see him going there. If one of the (supposed major reasons) for him not leaving FSU was b/c of his son's condition and the top notch facilities they have in the area I wouldn't think going to college station makes sense.
Maybe just a bit of a short sell. The Francois kid is pretty damn good but went down week 1. I'm not saying things would be much different but still