I think Landry was 100 % or as close as you can get. Would not blame a non spectacular performance on the injury.
I thought this thread was about Miles making national news again... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf...mers-nails-no-one-knows-034634969--ncaaf.html
We easily left 14 on the field so it could have been 31-6. But I'm glad the D had to gut it out and prove to themselves they can do it. That confidence will pay large dividends down the road. There is a big difference between thinking you can and KNOWING you can.
Nah! Are you seri...........ummm, errr.....wait! Ooooh, Les, you sneaky devil....... CLM: The "Bobby Fischer" of CFB.
I disagree completely, I thought the play calling was excellent for the most part. And it was obvious Mett was off and we were playing against great db's so CCC adapted. I can't even complain about the goal line offense even though I hate the bunch formations as I believe it brings too many defenders into the play. We did knock it in both times so my hat is off to the offense.