With one bold move in deciding to talk with Michigan, he Created leverage to negotiate his contract to make sure he and his family are financially secure. Created the kind of uncertainty in the hearts of LSU fans similar to the way Saban did. Made tiger fans search their true feelings about him as a coach and what might happen if he left. And then, unlike Saban, showed loyalty to the Baton Rouge community and all tiger fans. unlike Saban, he decided to stay. All at the same time stealing headlines and espn air time from the National Champion Auburn Tigers.
Now I'm positive Les is trying to give us all heart problems. He might have some deal with a pharmaceutical company. :wink:
I've been wondering what affect this whole episode will have on the fans' perception of him as a whole.
He has to clap like Paula Abdul...Those championship rings keep clanging together gettin' all scratched up and stuff