Les Miles press conference at 3:00 p.m.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by MikeDTiger, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. tigerace

    tigerace Founding Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    I will say this much, reading "snippets" from the press conference leaves you with a different feeling of Miles than going back and listening to the entire press conference. He and the coaches screwed the pooch in the game, the players did not execute well. Listening to the press conference left me with the feeling that, while Miles could offer no real explanation for the egg they laid in the NCG, he was eaten up over it, as he should be. He came across less smug and cheeky than he has in the past.
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  2. MikeDTiger

    MikeDTiger Geaux Tigers!!!

    Oct 26, 2004
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    That is by far the main reason that I listen to the press conferences. I want to draw my own conclusion on what was said, not be limited to somebody else's possible agenda laced out of context interpretation.
  3. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    I didn't have to listen to the press conference or read the snippets to come up with my own opinion.

    I watched this last season, and that was all I needed to see to know that CLM made a huge mistake in putting all his eggs in the JJ basket.

    I was suspicious at first .. .but when I saw the GA game ... it was confirmed. Same ol JJ ... same ol frustration watching him. .. same ol feeling of doom going into the NCG.
  4. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I totally agree. If this #1 qb prospect was somehow unaware of how Lee was treated after all he done....I assure you that the recruiters for the likes of ND told him in no uncertain terms. They probably called it to his attention that Miles apparently just tried to use the same ole gameplan that he used in the first game....which by the way resulted in only field goals. I can almost hear them telling him that if he gets on the wrong side of Miles, he better have some great stats, or he will just become "that damn Yankee recruit." They may even direct him to such forums as this and that crappy TD forum. Then he could unforunately see how some of the fans react. I still think LSU will be great, but having him surely would not have hurt.:geaux:
  5. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Check it out...bite into it!!!!!:champs:
  6. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Sorry, but I lost quite a bit of respect for Miles...sure, he knows football better than I do. His game preparations, when given time for extra prep, is usuall very good. But the game plan for the NCG seems to have been, "let's go with the one from the first game." I saw no changes or prep. I absolutely dispise the way Lee was treated, especialy after his performance from the start of this year. Had he not been ready and productive, LSU would have been in deep chit when JJ screwed up at the bar. JL was one of the most, if not the most prolific qbs in the SEC. To make him "share" time with JJ would have been a different thing...but to totally bench him sucked. Not even allowed to take a snap on senior day and come out to the ovation of the Tiger fans was just wrong. Taking a knee on the final play of the SECCG would have been an insult to most people. True to Lee's personality, he (in his words) took the BEST KNEE he could. To not even get in the BCS game was (IMO) pure bs. He just may have had a really hot hand....we will never know. It reminded me of when Cutcliffe kept starting his "sr" qb over Eli. In their bowl game, OM was getting beat pretty bad. He finally put Eli in during the last quarter. OM scored three QUICK tds and almost won. Finally, I am not impressed with CLM and his lack of taking responsibility (at times) as evidenced in the OM game where (OH NO...I wasn't saying to spike the ball) or his time out useage in a Tenn game. or his bs answer about JJ having a better chance of avoiding the Bama rush.....does not Lee have a quicker release on the ball than JJ? Just maybe, JL could have gotten off a pass quicker. I 'KNOW' he doesn't have to think as long as JJ. Is he a good coach? Not a doubt in my mind. Do I wish him success? Absolutely. Look at some of the plays he has "gambled" on successfully. I just think he should have gambled on Lee at least one series...might have been the spark they needed. As it was, Bama could load the box with one already great defense and not have to respect the pass. Make JJ beat them. I think Saban knew deep down that Miles would not sway from his choice of JJ. I think Miles played right into Saban's hand, and I sure did "hate" that. sorry for being so "windy" today. GO TIGERS.
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  7. b_leblanc

    b_leblanc That's just my game...

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Great post reb! Couldn't agree more...

    And it's...

    GEAUX TIGERS!! :hihi:
  8. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    My greatest fear is that this is the truth.
  9. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    Great post.

    I once had a ship captain in my fleet. He suffered an unfortunate demise, and I lost a good ship and a good crew.

    You see, this ship captain had a funny and unique way of navigating his ship when suddenly he discovered himself in the midst of a minefield. This unusual captain's approach was to ignore the minefield and keep going straight on through on the same course. Of course, he continued to hit mines and sunk his ship.

    His name was Captain Cornelius Miles. A fine patriot and buddies with all his crew, but, sunk himself and them, just the same.

  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Go back to Bama with this nonsense. :insane:

    If Les ever stops hauling in Top-10 recruiting classes, I will worry then.

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