I don't know if it's true or not, but the old man(Bama fan) sitting behind me at the game swore it was. I told him he was full of sheet, but he may have been right. Guess like most things about the game we will never know for sure.
I believe this. Les will get another shot next season and better take advantage of it. We, the Tiger Nation, won't settle for less than we got this year. I like Miles, think he is a good man, good coach, stuborn to a fault, but much better than we have had in the past except for Saban. Too many folks not happy but won't say it. If he runs the table next year, all will be pretty much forgotten. If he does not, with expectations this high, he'll be run out on a rail. Know none of you want to hear this but bet the farm. I'm too far from the womb and too close to the tomb (EWE) to not tell it as I see it. Your turn.
Hate to break this to you homie but that cat aint going nowhere. At least not for a long time. So what we get is what we get and will just have to live with it. The only difference being if he wins it all we get to keep him even longer (maybe).