Looking at White's body language and facial expressions it's seems obvious there is frustration there. Could be wrong but it's what I see. And if he leads the defense I would have to believe it's not just him. Please also listen closely to Les' answer in regards to the late hit by Boutte I wonder if he even realizes how ridiculous he was with his reply. How can you not know the pass was made and then go forward with making a tackle, where the opponent is holding the ball?
I saw and heard defeat. A beaten wet puppy. No clue as to what to say, evident by all the ums and ahhs. This guy is a clown.
no way I watch this. I typed that earlier. Pretty sure apathetic LaSalle is already pissed off LaSalle 24 hrs after reality of that shit show has finally set in.
Don't. It's a totally defeated with no answers for anything Les Miles. In all actuality it may be the most honest we've ever seen him. He knows his team got whipped in every facet of the game and he knows he has no answer. He was also consumed with a date down the road with his ol nemesis knowing he has absolutely no chance. It's bad.
Cameron to Miles Saturday; "Coach this is the best bad idea I have" Miles to Cameron; " This is not as bad as your last bad idea we are making progress"
Every question he was asked was dodged. He either answered with nonsense (like when asked about Harris) or he said he'd have to see the film to answer. The most Dissappointing question was when someone asked Miles if he could name 5 players who played good and he said he'd have to watch film first. Couldn't even name 5 players he thought played well across offense and defense. He didn't Even sound upset. He sounded defeated. Looked like a weak pathetic man up there who had no clue about anything and no answers. Also, when did he start letting players come with him to post game interviews? I don't remember that happening often if at all in the past. Seemed like a totally weak move to bring out players to deflect criticism off of himself.
What a joke presser from everybody... except Tre White. Miles doesn't tell us anything we couldn't see for ourselves, and these reporters are LAME. How about some REALLY meaningful questions... such as "Coach, did you feel that Cam Cameron earned his pay today?" Or how about "Coach, how many performances such as today's will it take for you to remove your friend Cam from your staff?" Or even better... "Coach, will you please just leave?"