I think it's a bit of both, him being stubborn and not the sharpest around. The stubborn aspect is insisting on a power I, while sticking with a spread option QB, as well as numerous other instances. The clock mismanagement, fumbling speech, etc shows he isn't Einstein.
I think he's smart, some people just fold under pressure. I think his clock management and inability to speak coherently in front of a microphone are signs of not handling pressure situations more than a lack of intelligence.
Definitely some issues. I'd put stubborness up there. Wouldn't say "not the shaprest around" but then when I look at his stubborness to change what needed changing, I go back to what you said. I agree with you too. At the end of the day I think it's more about everyone having strengths...and weaknesses. Public speaking is certainly not a gift given at birth. As a coach, I understood his clock problem cause I was guilty about going into even softball basketball games with a certain approach and had a hard time adjusting on the fly without being able to sit down and really scrutinize WHAT would work better. So you give what you're weak at to an assistant and tell him he's not there to agree with you and you want him to be straight with you on things even if you don't go the route suggested, in the end.
I still hesitate to say he has nothing to offer college ball. Sometimes coaches do better at one school than another. I wish him the best.
When he dies I'll make sure to post his graves location, so y'all can piss on it. let it go he has been replaced.
I think he speaks that way on purpose. He is vague and just throws shit out there to make it look like he is saying a lot without saying anything at all. If you listen to him talk about things that aren't about the game he just played or an upcoming game he makes sense. As far as coaching goes I honestly believe he should be coaching a high school team somewhere. I think he is a really good man, a great father figure and mentor to young men, some of which don't have fathers or come from places steeped in violence and poverty. I really think he could do so much for kids at that level. But I understand his "want" to coach an FBS team and I think he will get a shot next season.
C'mon man. How many coaches with conference titles and a national championship would we say are worthy of nothing greater than high school ball? How many coaches in the FBS would like very much to have such a record? Surely the man deserves a little credit.
I think you misunderstood me, I'm not saying that's all he deserves, maybe I was too vague. I think he would do an inner city high school a lot of good and those kids a lot of good because of the type of man and father figure he is. It's not that i don't think he should be coaching in FBS, I actually think he will be.