I didn't insult your wife. Just the Furdickfish's wife Not my fault she looks like Yoko Ono. on a very bad day. Although I definateiy question her judgment.
Just a little advice, you might want to stay away from doing shit like that. Pretty sure @furduknfish would help me find you. Then we can take turns
Do you realize your 49 years old? You ain't got the blood pressure for that sort of nonsense..course I'd have to comfort your wife..
You worry about you I've got enough pressure to kick you in your sorry ass and make your breath smell of shoe polish. And I will
A challenge, not a threat I'm going to kick his ass. He can call it a threat, a promise, fantasy nightmare I really don't give a rats ass but I'm going to beat his to a pulp. That is a done deal
Figures. You would kick..like a girl would..back in 2nd grade. "I love the smell of boot polish in the morning" WTF? "