A four-point win and all of the Les haters would be keeping quiet, just like you did for the first 7 weeks.
Other than the timeout "blunder," (I also thought that was stupid, by the way) what other blunders in that game were there that could be directly attributed to Miles? As for sitting Hill the rest of the quarter, even though he doesn't have a history of fumbling, why do you guys think LSU backs don't fumble?
I'm not a Les hater and I started this thread. If Mettenberger were making 4.3 million dollars, maybe I would have started a thread on him instead.
No, what is more amazing is that you aren't the slight bit phased by the fact he couldn't make a simple OBVIOUS decision to call timeout to give his team some kind of chance at winning the ball game. Not the slight bit phased. Defending til the bitter end.
Dude, I listed that in THE BAD the day after the game! Did you forget? It was a bad move. I noted it. Les admitted it. What I am NOT is obsessed with Les to the point that I ignore everything that is working on this team. What I am NOT is obsessed with Les to the point that I overlook the fact that three interceptions lost us that game. What I am NOT is obsessed with Les to the point that on Wednesday I still keep repeating anti-Les crap over and over and over and over again. We get it. You and your sycophant Shane don't like Les. You wish we had another coach. Are you going to repeat it another 100 times? Are you going to enjoy the rest of the season or are you just going to bore the shit out of us with the same mantra?
Come on Red, with all due respect Miles has made clock management mistakes in EVERY game this year. He has done it many, many other times before. That is the issue many of us have.
I understand. He makes bad clock decisions about once a season, actually. It is not a strong point with him. I am just not obsessed with a single issue. Les recruits very well. He wins football games. He has been an unquestioned asset to LSU. Why this insistence that Les must be perfect? Honestly.