I'll go first, I don't like him. Never liked him, saw his act at okie light so I knew what we were getting. Perhaps that is why I'm the ring leader ( I guess) of the anti miles group. I'm not saying he should be fired, mainly because as Red has pointed out and what I've known for a long time, we really can't fire him. However, It wouldn't bother me one bit if they did can his ass because LSU is one of the best coaching jobs in the country and those with supposedly "good jobs" would be lining up behind closed doors to get an interview. There is simply too many great effing coaches out there with an IQ larger than their shoe size (something miles does not possess) for me to believe he is the only one that can lead this team. He wins, and he is the "cool" guy but my God the man is a blooming idiot. I said it a few years ago after his string of "mishaps" and he found a way to turn it around, the guy we all know and love is always still in there. You never know when he will come out or how epic the screw up will be but it will come out, it will always come out.
No I'm not. His contract is pretty much iron clad. I know red wants to have his babies and will never want to fire him.
Hell naw! Just games that are against quality opponents. Ole Miss had been hyped all summer. That game had already been called a trap game. Out of conference opponents that are supposed to be inferior. Blow them out. Bowl game match ups and quality SEC matchups are better when close. I was at the LSU Bama game last year and the Ole Miss game this year. At the end of the 4th the stadium was as packed as it was at kickoff.
I like the dude, he's entertaining as hell and he wins alot more than he loses. He is a great recruiter, the players love him, and he's a good representative for LSU. He's overseen the golden years at LSU. I say he has earned the opportunity to go at least another 4 years good or bad, if great then more. It's been a wild ride.
Shane Red never said that. (Red I know you don't need any defense) He has just pointed out that firing Les is impractical and considering it is unrealistic. The consequences of doing so would be disastrous. Firing a coach with an 80% (or 79%) winning record would poison LSU as a job for the quality coach we would want. Red has criticized Les for actions and decisions but understands that winning as Les has is a remarkable achievement and we should recognize that and appreciate it. If you and other who take the same tack are too dense to understand (or too immature) to see and understand the difference then it is hardly worth replying. Yell and complain all you want.... criticize decisions no end but stay between the line. If Les starts losing more than he wins then you have a point and BTW can say "I told you so".
@Winston1 Read much? It is in his contract that we can't simply fire him. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that? You can hem and haw all you want about his winning pct. My stance is he is a blooming fucking idiot and not one of you miles apologist can counter that with anything of substance.
He's a blooming fucking rich idiot with fat paper stacks and a degree from Michigan, coach of a great university football team and has done pretty well for himself. Not bad for an idiot.