I know, at least you are coming around. The saddest part is neither does he. He has no effing idea what the hell he was doing. LSU needs to hire someone to stand behind him and pump his shunt at least once a quarter and maybe these idiotic decisions would start to decrease.
Didn't Les say after all the bullshit that went down to start the 2010 season (see Tennessee game) that he would be getting an assistant on the sideline to help him with clock management? I had a friend who was watching the game with me and he doesn't really have a favorite college team, and he asked me why in the hell aren't we calling timeout, and then when we finally did, he just kinda chuckled.
I was watching the game with a lady who is from freakin' Montana and teaches kindergarten who was only over to drop off her daughter to spend the night with my 7th grader. Even she asked why we weren't calling a timeout earlier. Good question.
No offense .. but you sound like your dissing on Kindergarten teachers! Them folks have wings dude .... I dare you to go and teach a bunch of Kindergarten kids 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 9 mo. Hell just putting up with the Parents would be enough to make me go postal.
True. I wasn't dissing her intellect. She's awesome, and the kiddos are lucky to have her. But as a football expert? Well, she might as well be Condoleeza Rice. Oh, wait...
Can we put this thread to bed already? Les screwed up, fine, time to get over it and move on. We can still finish with a successful year, and we can beat Bama. How nice would it be to spoil their season???
I was referring to issy. I knew where you were going. Heck .. YOU ARE a teacher! [bows to your superior dispostion].