If we had a D efense ( secondary ) that was coached, we wouldnt be so worried about Lee, if we had a QB that was experienced, we wouldnt be so worried about the D fense. it all works together..... to hurt us. coaching is the key, we have enough O ffense to get through with the proper play calling. ( more runs ) BUT what about the D fense? New DC? good question. I think yes, one good new PROVEN DC.
I totally agree with this statement. As much as people in today's college football world LOVE offensive production. It doesn't mean much of anything if you don't have a solid defense. Miles will have to evaluate the two guys he has and determine if one is better than the other and selecting one would solve the problem or going outside and hiring a new guy. Miles may have to hurt some feelings in this decision.
I think he'll junk them, friends or not. This is his livelihood and his passion. You can see it in his eyes in the post-games that he HATES losing. Some of his comments suggest to me that he is at least AWARE there is a problem and that it's in the coaching. The Advocate quoted him this morning as saying he'll get more involved in the defense despite the fact that he's never done it before. He'll do what needs to be done. I somewhat understand WHY he went with the two guys. He thought they would be able to continue the Pelini scheme that made us so successful in the last couple of years since they were so familiar with it. He's finding out that he was wrong. With the DC goes his scheme, and that's all there is to it.
Loyal or not, one of Les's great strenths is surrounding himself with great talent. He will make the necessary changes. He is a very bright coach and I believe the light is already on that this is not working.
This has to be a very tough time for Coach Miles. He's a family man who seems to make his staff part of his family, but sometimes, it just doesn't fit. He will do the right thing for his career and the program. I'm sure that Saban wouldn't be bothered one bit by a decision that needs to be made; Miles will. But we all knows he has balls; they'll come in handy after the season.
If he doesnt make the change it could easily be the begining of the end of the Miles era at LSU. Right or wrong, the fans have quickly become accustomed to top 10 type teams. LSU will never be a top 10 team as long as we have Peveto and Mallory at DC. Its also an embarassment to lose like we have. I can accet losing to Florida and UGA, but whats bad is how we are losing. Its not LSU football. I hope something gives here because I dont want to go back to a middle tier team with some occassional good seasons throw in there. No matter what Ill always love LSU. Just being honest here, this ship is sinking. The team has no pride or character. I understand being emotional but Im sick of the trash talking by the LSU D after getting shredded.
Not to say it's not a problem with LSU but in all honestly in today's society most kids have become this way. I can't remember which game it was I was watching a week or so ago but one team was getting throttled by another and the team getting throttled was talking trash after every play, pounding chests like they were up by 50 pts. A lot has changed with today's players.
I agree that its part of this "me" generation. Still in all kids need to be pulled aside by a leader on the team and coach. When I played sports I was emotional. I can understand trying to pump up your teammates, but dont act like you made a huge play when you just gave up an even bigger play. LSU needs leaders and our coaches have to step up big time. LSU is lacking discipline.
Anybody remember who coined the phrase "Act like you've been there before." Fitting for this discussion.
I've been there before and didn't like it. That is whey we are uneasy about the score and the hint by Miles that he may take over the defense. The last time an LSU HC started meddling with the defense it didn't work.