Count me in the jar group. Grandmothers were all SO effin glad when it came out they never went back to stankin up the kitchen. The powdered on in the jar takes twice as much, jar-wise. Two jars is equal to one regular one. Something about the dry measurements. Don't remember the unit of measure used.
We don't own the drill team uniforms (there are about five or six different pieces for a variety of looks.). The schools own the uniforms and buy new ones every few years. The drill team we are on has 35 girls on it, but is considered JV because the high schools are 9/10 here. 11/12 goes to senior high, and the Planoettes have 12 or 13 uniform looks. That team can have up to 70 girls (which is great because Plano Senior High has around 3000 students every year, so it's a great team to make the girls feel like the school isn't so big.) The only thing we own are the boots and the hat. However, we had to buy about $1200 worth of jazz shoes, tights, and various practice attire and undergarments. The drill team has to wear the exact same attire every day at practices before and after school, and they have five sets for M-F. They also had to buy a team bag and a blingy jacket with each of their names embroidered on them. Half of my daughter's wardrobe now seems to be some sort of drill team t-shirt or spirit jersey or tank top. But she LOVES being on that team.
That was Batty (Batgirl). Stacey's hubby doesn't care too much for football. He's more of a chess and checkers type. He occasionally goes with her to an LSU game but brings a laptop and does work on it at halftime.
WTF is up with the barstool? When I was a cheerleader 150 years ago, we sat down (on the grass) at halftime. The rest of the time we stood up and...well, CHEERED... According to my daughters, the drill team and cheerleaders don't really like each other.