Maybe you and Cajunlost need to start growing your own rice too. No sense in buying it already milled. Hell, you should make the flour for your roux also. Much better when you pound a grain yourself to make a flour from scratch rather than buying it already in a bag.
You might as well buy your fish in a can too. Yunno, there was a day when men like JV and the such could go down to the water and fish, barter and take home fresh. Then along came that day when you could just go the tip top grocery and get a can of salmon and save yourself all that trouble. Later came spam and finally... roux in a GD jar. If efficiency is your goal, who am I to confuse your integrity, but the least you can do is admit y'all some lazy shiftless bastards who'd prefer more time to comb your arm pit hairs to show off your tattoos. At least you can admit it and your legacy will remain intact. No jive here. I mean, who ever complained about the person that took the time to make it from scratch? Biscuits from a bowl or from a can? Boudin from scratch or that shit at walmart?? Easy peasy gentlemen...
I know your azz ain't making boudin in Cali. Prob need a fkn permit. Wonder how many of you purist grind and case your own sausage, then smoke it. Better yet, do you make your own ketchup. Didn't think so.