Your comment struck me wrong, none of my business I guess,.. the way I see it is, sometimes a man, being a man, chooses to take insults, but his friends don't have to put up with that shit
MLB must care, else they wouldn't have scheduled the series. Ditto the NFL. Overseas games will never be more than a novelty, and every one deprives a team of a home game. The leagues need to get over this fetish.
The Jacksonville Jaguars play a game in London every year. The owner would probably be the only owner who would be willing to move his team overseas. I see this as creating huge logistic problems. What division would they play in. What about the 8 teams that would have to travel to England in a season? Currently the teams that play a game there get a bye the following week. Would a London team be able to keep any high profile players once they are free agents? To get any free agents to sign with them they would have to massively overpay. Would players snd team personnel have to pay the exorbitant British income tax and still have to pay US taxes? Who would agree to that? The Buffalo Bills play one game a year in Toronto. A team in Canada would cause no more problems than the Raptors in the NBA and the Blue Jays in MLB.
@Bengal B No, a team or two in Canada would not be a problem. Hell, Mexico City might be possible in a few years. The logistics of a regular team in England, for all the reasons you listed, are impossible.
Football is the about the only sport that could have a pro team in the UK, one week in between games is the only reason. Most players don't practice until Wednesday, so flying out on a Tuesday might be the answer. Teams would likely fly back after the game as well since west coast or Sunday night games would likely still be on. Is it ideal for everyone in football, no. But this is entertainment.... shut up and sing the freaking song.
Watching a game on TV that's played in London doesn't entertain me any more than watching a game on TV that's in New York, Dallas, LA or New Orleans. I would hate for the Saint's to be in the same division as a team across the pond and I'm sure fans of the other teams feel the same way. Would put your team at a competitive disadvantage.
So I knew that when teams play on the road that they have to pay state taxes for wherever they play if applicable. I did not know how that all works. So for the NBA at least, they take their salary รท 82 and after each game a check for that amount is in their locker. Playoffs are an entire different animal and the guys that have lower salaries like league minimums love it because they are paid a ton more than their reg season checks.