Look old timer, I'm not a beer snob by any stretch but that swill you are touting is just terrible. Thats why you can by a 30 pack of that ditch water for like $10
About my freshman or sophomore year me and a couple of buddies were going fishing at Grand Isle. A friend of one of the wanted to go but he didn't have any money. He worked in a gas station and he said he would bring the beer if he could come with us. He showed up with a bunch of cases of Shaffers. We made him go back and replace the Shaffers he had stolen with real beer.
Another turrible, turrible beer is Natty Light. I see college age kids buying that swill every time I go into a convenience store.
Where is this store where you can get a 30 pack for $10? I want to shop there. I'm already spending $10 or more for beer every day.