Lee, Randle, and Shep should transfer if we don't make offensive changes

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUGraduate2002, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Well, I thought after the MSU game that people were being a bit ridiculous with the criticism. We won by more than 3 TDs against a decent team. The people that were disappointed with that win were in large part the same ones that said MSU would be hard for LSU to handle. They weren't.
    That said, last night was awful. I'm trying to determine what the worst part was, and I keep coming back to JJ seemingly losing his cool out there. No leadership. I mean, one of the guys...can't remember which FRESHMAN it was...dropped a pass. Absolutely dropped a good pass. But then JJ went off on him right there on the field in front of God and everyone. It was ridiculous. Then when Lee had his helmet on and JJ didn't, I don't even know what happened. I was busy talking about Lee coming in finally, and then looked again to see JJ on the field. WTF? What was that? I honestly don't understand that.
    It's time for a change no doubt, but to the point of the thread...ain't nobody transferring over it.
    I was happy after the MSU win. Now? Not so much. I'm glad we're 4-0, but I'm not dumb enough to consider it based on quality wins. I do think MSU was a quality win...but not the other 3. WVU is a quality win...but it's tainted by several different things.
  2. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Chris Garrett would be starting?

    But perhaps that is a story for another day.

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