What you say if true But until then what is it , just ,well almost, barroom B>S> Maybe I am wrong , but I hope not one player is having trouble getting out of bed , where ever that is , and going to class or having someone go to class and answer roll call for him . You may know more than I do I am in Nashville , . I think my last question was , if it is true will there be more than one , will we even have a QB ?? I left that part off . I remember the interview JJ had with ,was it ESPN .Before the after midnight stroll in a parking lot close to a juke joint . What Alleva said makes a bit of sense to me .But I am just a guitar picker what do I know . Until the game is over a team has not won has it ?? Maybe I am wrong there also.Until there is no more time on the clock, we have to worry that the other team may get lucky and kick a field goal and win in the last second .Duh , I almost added a smiley , but it would have only made you mad and , that is not the goal here . I hope the team is more into being ready to play than we are as fans . We as fans , me I am the same way , are more worried about who will start and play . Heck fire , I thought I knew more than Les , I sent him a email and pretty much let him know that . He sent back a reply , letting me know how important I am . He put me not on the coaching staff ,but here with you a fan . I am now questioning how much I know about how to coach this Team . Now I think I do not know as much as I thought I did . I said in my email just a few words , his reply was about a half a page , . I have thought that Les was a bit meak and mild .That email changed my mind . I would not want to be in the locker room at halftime as a player if we were behind at the half . It would not even be close to being like a Sunday School Class . I may send him another email, but it will be more in line of a fan , giving thanks rather than a fan telling Les "I think you are wrong ". He has some fire , oh yea !! I hope even with all the ups and downs this season has had. LSU wins both of the last two games . With either JJ or J Lee , what I want is for both to play .But I am not the coach . What I want is for the whole team to play and to play as a "TEAM ." Les says that is the way they will win in New Orleans (New Awlins) That is out of the way the reason I came here today is Roly Poly Uptown or in Metairie - they have a sale going on Expires 5/1/2012 $16 for just $8 Their web page said if I refer my friends , I hope I have one or two in here , :miles:, I will get 10 bucks . I do not know how they will send it to me because I do not have your email add .So if you do buy , tell'em msully sent you . Thank you very much For the next two games , Let's pass a good time !!
Sorry, wasn't trying to make you mad with a smiley. Just letting people know that there has been an issue since the beginning of the semester that came to light in in the 1st week of November. I have never stated he was ineligible or had any discussions on him starting over JJ or vice versa. Since it was caught in Novemeber through team progress reports Lee has had a chance to correct what needs to be corrected and I am pulling for him to do so. I want all of our QBs ready to go. No Smiley this time...:tigereye:
I don't know what courses you guys took but everyone I know, including myself, actually had to bring books home and study. It wasn't just show up and get an A. I know it isn't that way now either unless you are a football player.
yep. my classes were that way. my big problem is i dont test well. i can know the info upside down and freeze when i get a test in front of me. i had one course, in my major, that i could put the info into practice every day, but try to test on it and i would gag. basically, it was chemistry with an art outcome. one day my instructor came into the chemical room while i was formulating some glazes - from memory - and started talking to me. just chit chat. and the whole time (with me being oblivious to what she was doing) would ask questions on why i was using different chemicals, and what they would do when mixed with other ones i was using, etc. as she left, she looked at me and said "you just aced your mid term". she knew i knew what i was doing and could put the info into practice, i just froze during the tests. and she was compassionate enough to find a way around that by observing and questioning in a "non-test" environment. god bless her. professors like that are a gift to students! i hope if jl is struggling in something, he has an instructor that will truly work with him like mine did with me.